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Job Postings

UPDATED 11/16/2023

Fire Suppression Project Engineer - Det-Tronics
Location: Bloomington, MN
Fire Suppression Project Engineer - Det-Tronics.pdf 

Fire Protection Engineer - KFI Engineers
Locations: Cincinnati, OH; Lexington, KY; or Louisville, KY
Fire Protection Engineer - KFI Engineers.pdf 

Senior Fire Protection Engineer - KFI Engineers
Locations: St. Paul, MN; Minnetonka, MN; Cincinnati, OH; Fargo, ND; Lexington, KY; 
Senior Fire Protection Engineer - KFI Engineers.pdf 

Senior Fire Protection Engineer - HGA
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Senior Fire Protection Engineer - HGA.pdf 

Assistant Fire Marshal - City of Rochester, MN
Location: Rochester, MN
Assistant Fire Marshal - City of Rochester.pdf 

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